We have an excellent track record for manufacturing the highest quality industrial labels and plates. High standards of workmanship are evident in our long-term association with both the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Can West Legacy is proud to be a Calgary CSA certified and UL listed label manufacturer for both indoor and outdoor use. We provide CSA certified and UL recognized labeling, overlays and plates for virtually every conceivable application.
Our quality labels and signs are a result of adhering to CSA and UL regulations. Can West Legacy products meet or exceed the following CSA certification test standards:
- Room temperature test (72 hours at 23°C/73°F and 50% humidity)
- Elevated temperature test (168 hours at 80 -100°C/176-212°F)
- Low temperature cycling test (two cycles of–40°C/-40°F for 4 hours, returned to room temperature for 16 hours)
- Humidity test (72 hours at 40°C/104°F and 95% humidity)
- Fading test (250 hours under a xenon arc light)
- Exposure to oil test (18 hours in 20W20 oil heated to 70°C/158°F)
- Abrasion of marking and lettering test (beaten with a Taber Abraser for a period of 100 cycles and with an armload of 500g per arm)
- Abrasion after solvent exposure test (struck for 50 cycles with a load of 250g per arm after they have been immersed in a solution of 20% isopropanol and mineral spirits for 4 hours)
- Salt spray test (salt spray cabinet for 30 days)
- Weatherometer test (750 hours of alternating cycles of water spray & light)